Friday, October 5, 2012

And suddenly there is a 2nd blog post. My foot surgery went well I suppose. I was extremely nervous about the whole intubation thing but after being registered and take back the anesthesiologist gave me the option of full anesthesia or just a spinal block. I took the block. After 5 cc of Versed and 5 cc of Diprivan I woke up later not being able to move my legs. The first 2 days were pretty uncomfortable but I'm getting better.

Going back to work however has sucked. I would have taken the whole week off but I had two 4th year pharm kids with me this week and I just couldn't leave them high & dry. The cool thing about what I do is that only about 3% of hospitals in the country have a pharmacist in the ER and I'm one of them. Call it morbid curiosity but all the students want to see a code blue or a critical patient and honestly I can't blame them. I was the same way when I started clinical rotations and when I was given this opportunity in the ER I said that I really wanted to inspire other people to follow their passion. Cheesy I know but it's true.  I'd still be slinging Xanax, Soma & Lortab at the Wag (and be hopelessly unhappy) if I didn't decide one day that I was just going to do what made me happy. Definitely NOT been easy but it has been worth it all the way.

Monday, October 1, 2012

So you want to blog ...

It seems like everyone has a blog now. I don't know how many times I have said I need to get one started and never did. (or apparently I created 2 & never wrote more than 3 entries) So when B got me an iPad for our wedding anniversary I figured I shouldn't just use it to get on Pinterest and I created a new blog. We will see how long this lasts and if I actually tell anyone I'm blogging.

 I should be sleeping right now because I have to get up in 4 hours for foot surgery but instead I'm sitting in the recliner typing away. This huge bone spur finds it way off my right foot at 7 am tomorrow morning. It's kind of sad because before it was really bothering me I was getting up at 5:20 in the morning and running the block in order to prepare for the Color Run in NOLA. I really wanted to do a 5k at a decent pace and I waited to the very last minute to do the c25k program. My foot is supposed to be super swollen after this surgery so we will see if I'm able to do the race now. 

B and I have decided to procreate one more time most likely in the spring. I absolutely cannot be at this weight when I get pregnant. By the time I had Ian I was the highest weight I had ever been and it took nearly 8 months to lose 40 pounds and even at 18 months I'm still not back to where I was when I got pregnant with Ian. Super embarrassing. I would like to now have to wear maternity clothes in the 1st trimester the 2nd go 'round. And I would like to wear the same maternity clothes so I look to have a spring baby so I have until July/August. Lets make that happen. 

So blog post #1 finished. Cross your fingers for post 2!!